It all starts with a watch.

I know what you're thinking..."Why do I need a watch when I have my phone?" And what does it have to do with being grown?

Well let me tell you, from a personal experience two days need a watch! Not only is a watch timeless (pun intended), but lets be real... phones aren't exactly all that reliable. As luck would have it, the new high tech phone I purchased less than 3 weeks ago just so happened to fall out of my bag, onto my friends driveway, and get run over by a two-ton truck. I know this sounds crazy, and we always hear the stories of peoples phones being run over...but it finally happened to me! Now usually I would be lost in translation, no idea what time it is wandering this cold world aimlessly (cue the violin)... but luckily I had, my newly acquired ever so chic, grown up watch. I swear it was as though I needed something that crazy to happen so that I could understand how important it was to have one. There is something to say about owning your very own elegant accessory just as every lady you have ever watched growing up has had. Welcome to the big girls club.

Watch in photo : Classy Sheffield Rose Gold Watch

Check out and be sure to get yourself 15% off with the code: MISSCURVYB expires Dec.31,2015.

Keep It #Classy 

Keep It #Classy 

Bling Bling 

Bling Bling